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// Modified on Dec, 25, 2005.

**** BOSSON WALLPAPERS made by JOHNNY, Russia ****

H e l l o ,†† e v e r y b o d y !!!


My name's Johnny, I am 21 years old. I live in Russia, in Rostov-on-Don city.

Here you can download the wallpapers with my favorite singer BOSSON.
Just choose the wallpaper resolution and enjoy! J. Hope youТll like my wallpapers!
You can write a message in my Guestbook or e-mail me - IТd like to know your opinion about these arts and IТll be glad to read any new ideas about the wallpapers.


Also you will find a lot of interesting information here: - Official BossonТs web-site - 1st Russian site about Bosson by Sally Jupiter - Russian site about Bosson by Daniya - Japanese page about Bosson by Taiko


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! J (updated on December, 25, 2005):









What to say?..


A dream present! ;))









СDO YOU LOVE MEЕТ updated on December, 15, 2005 :








After keeping a long silence I am back! J

Staffan performed his new beautiful ballad СDo You Love MeЕТ while being in China. Special GRRRREAT THANKS to TAIKO ISOBE (Jpn) for information and links!!! ;-)


























































































































* updated on 18.09






* updated on 18.09


























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